Dedicated Search Agreement

    As part of our service to you, we are providing this confirmation of our agreement with terms to engage in the recruitment process
    to recruit personnel for the undersigned organization.

    Our dedicated fee is $28,000.00 for each Physician placement. The client agrees to pay a $9,000.00 deposit to begin the search, and
    once the search is complete the client agrees to pay the remaining balance of $19,000.00. The search is complete when the
    candidate signs agreement to work for Client or begins work for Client, whichever come first. There is no provision for the refund of
    any monies in this agreement, however if the candidate does not work beyond 90 (ninety) days for Client, then Summit Placement
    Service, Inc. shall recruit a replacement at no additional fee provided the search is for the same specialty in the same location.

    Our process:

    Develop an “ideal candidate” profile, identify the talent pool to recruit from, develop an action plan, work to locate qualified and
    interested candidates, screen candidates thoroughly, present candidates to client, coordinate client and candidates first phone call,
    schedule and coordinate the interview, do a pre-interview call with the candidate, a post interview call with candidate and client,
    gather and check references of candidate if and when asked, follow up with candidate and address any requests or concerns, work
    to negotiate the offer between the client and the candidate, secure a start date, assist candidate in smoothly terminating current
    position, work with spouse to assist with employment if necessary, coordinate with realtors, movers etc. if and when requested.

    Basic Provisions:

    The candidates that we refer to you will be referred to in confidence, and we ask that you not refer or identify them to any other
    company. Should you do so, and the other company enters a service relationship with the candidate, both companies would be
    responsible for the payment of our service fee.
    Your prior receipt of a candidate’s name or resume shall not affect your obligation to pay our service fee unless,

    1.) You have the candidate under active consideration evidenced by a scheduled interview, OR
    2.) You have received the candidate within the previous (12) twelve months from another recruiter or recruiting company that you
    would owe the fee to if you hired the candidate.

    Not at any time shall Client hold Summit Placement Service, Inc. responsible for the acts of omissions of the Candidate in any way.

    This paragraph shall survive the termination of this agreement.

    Client agrees to pay all invoices as agreed no later than fifteen (15) days of receipt. If collection activities are necessary, the nonprevailing
    party agrees to pay all expenses thereof including reasonable attorney’s fees.
    This agreement is for one year, however if Client continues to accept candidate names and or resumes from Summit Placement
    Service, Inc. this agreement remains valid and binding unless either party cancels this agreement in writing. This agreement can be
    canceled at any time in writing by either party.

    Venue: This agreement shall be governed by the courts in Tarrant County of the State of Texas.

    Organization Engaging Summit Placement Services

    Name of Authorized Agent engaging Summit Placement Services

    What is the best number to reach you at?

    Which Email do you want to receive correspondence to?

    Use your mouse or touchscreen to sign below
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